Telo Technology Blog

Tag: TeloTechnologyLimited

  • User Friendly Website​

    User Friendly Website​

    A user friendly website can make all the difference in how successful your business is.​You can offer the same product or service as many other sites. However, if your site is easiest to use, you’ll likely make the most sales.​Here at Telo Technology Limited, we work together with you to give you and your business/company…

  • Inspirational quote

    Inspirational quote
  • Building The Right App​

    Building The Right App​

    In this digital era, building the right app can make your business excel to great heights so long as you know how to do it. App development is now one of the leading industries in software and computers, especially since most internet activity today now takes place on mobile devices. Facebook LinkedIn Twitter WhatsApp

  • Inspirational quote

    Inspirational quote
  • App Marketing​

    App Marketing​

    App marketing has become more important than ever for businesses of every size. Making sure that your customers know your app exists is extremely important for its success.​ There are thousands of new apps being launched every week, in competition for attention. To win the game, you need an effective app marketing strategy that not…

  • Inspirational quote

    Inspirational quote
  • The use of cookies​

    The use of cookies​

    Cookies are small text files stored in a web user’s browser directory or data folder. Ecommerce websites place cookies on visitors’ browsers to retain login credentials, identify customers, and provide a customised experience.​ Secure websites use cookies to validate a user’s identity as they browse from page to page; without cookies, login credentials would have…

  • Inspirational quote

    Inspirational quote
  • Turn Your Ideas Into A Reality​

    Turn Your Ideas Into A Reality​

    Do you have an excellent idea for an app, but are just unsure where to start or how to get things going? Whether you’re a start-up or an enterprise, Telo Technology Limited can help you change your ideas into a reality through a development journey. Facebook LinkedIn Twitter WhatsApp

  • Inspirational quote

    Inspirational quote